Sunday, April 25, 2010


Santiago Sierra

Juan Munoz

Andreas Gursky

I understand the cultural restrictions globalism has lifted. People now embrace there heritage whether from Estonia or Dubai. In fact it seems in the current art world to be American or European is boring, not enough flavor. In the art world, is there much cultural american pride?
As a country that is made up of hundreds of origins, can we really have a profound cultural base or just a specific way of life we are accustomed to?

Please look at February 28th's post of Kimsooja's video.

Does globalism, precisely because of its long reach, allow a viable alternative to violent action and open the doors to peaceful protest that will be heard? ex. Eugenio Dittborn and Cildo Meireles Or is that still a fairy tale?

If a person is restricted from leaving their country, is the internet sufficient in truly letting them engage and discover other lands and cultures? How much can a computer screen fill in for real life? (I realize this is a very privilege question to be asking)

Lee - " This 'atmosphere compounded of artistic theories' must be ready for the day when the art world's traditional borders are indivisible from those of the global order we are inclined merely to portray."
From Lee's statement above, if the borders between the art world and the 'real' world are indivisible, how will or can art be avante garde?

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